序号 | 论文名称 | 期刊名称,年,卷期:页码 | EI/SCI收录 | 发表年份 |
1 | In situ design of advanced titanium alloy with concentration modulations by additive manufacturing | Science,2021,374(6566): | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
2 | Cavitation erosion-corrosion behaviour of Fe-10Cr martensitic steel microalloyed with Zr in 3.5% NaCl solution | Corrosion Science, 2021,184: 109382 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
3 | Tailoring microstructure and texture of Mg–3Al–1Zn alloy sheets through curve extrusion process for achieving low planar anisotropy | Journal of Materials Science & Technology.2021 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
4 | Structure and properties of ta-C films prepared by vacuum cathodic arc with an unbalanced external electromagnetic field | Ceramics International,2021,48:111-119 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
5 | Effect of hot isostatic pressing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 17-4PH stainless steel parts fabricated by selective laser melting | Materials Science and Engineering A, 2021, 810: 141035 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
6 | Effect of calcination temperature on the microstructure, composition and properties of nanometer agglomerated 8YSZ powders for plasma spray-physical vapor deposition (PS-PVD) and coatings thereof | Ceramics International 2021,47(12) 16632–16640 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
7 | The growth restriction effect of TiCN nanoparticles on Al-Cu-Zr alloys via ultrasonic treatment | Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2021, 80: 105829. | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
8 | Microstructure, interface characteristics and tribological properties of laser cladded NiCrBSi-WC coatings on PH 13-8 Mo steel | Tribology International,2021, 157: 106873 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
9 | Effect of second-phase particles on the oxidation behaviour of a high-manganese austenitic heat-resistant steel | Corrosion Science,2021,182,109284 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
10 | Microstructure evolution and interdiffusion behaviors of (Ni,Pt)Al coating with and without Re-diffusion barrier on IC21 substrate at 1100?C | Materials Characterization 2021,181: 111450 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
11 | Effects of pre-aging on microstructure evolution and deformation mechanisms of hot extruded Mg-6Zn-1Gd-1Er Mg alloys | Journal of Magnesium and Alloys,2021 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
12 | Nitrogen species in a thermal plasma under very low pressure (150Pa):Application to reactive plasma spraying | Ceramics International, 47(2021)30300-30038 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
13 | The near-surface microstructural evolution and the influence of Si particles during nanoscratching of nanocrystalline Al | Applied Surface Sicence,2022,573:151533 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
14 | Effects of powder characteristics and mixing powders on cold sprayability and corrosion properties of tantalum coatings | Surface & Coatings Technology,2021,426:127763 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
15 | AlCoCrNiMo high-entropy alloy as diffusion barrier between NiAlHf coating and Ni-based single crystal superalloy | Surface & Coatings Technology, 2021, 414: 127101 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
16 | Interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of ZTA/ZTA joints brazed with Ni-Ti filler metal | Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2021,41: 2076–2084 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
17 | Crystallization behavior, soft magnetic properties and good bending ductility of high Fe content FeSiBCuPC alloys induced by composition design | Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 859: 157850 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
18 | Research on the effects of surface modification of ceramic powder on cure performance during digital light processing (DLP) | Ceramics International, 2022, 48 (3): 3652-3658 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
19 | Microstructural characterization and mechanical properties of ZTA/ZTA joint brazed by Ni50Ti50 filler metal | Ceramics International 2021, 47: 2758–2765 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2021年 |
20 | 冷喷涂技术的研究进展与应用 | 中国表面工程,2020, 33(4): 16-25 | EI,中文核心 | 2021年 |
21 | In Situ Investigation of Si-Poisoning Effect in Al–Cu–Si Alloys Inoculated by Al–5Ti–1B | Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 97, 2021. | SCI | 2021年 |
22 | Fabrication of spherical WC-Co powders by radio frequency induction plasma spheroidization combined with heat treatment | Powder Technology, 2021, 385: 160-169 | SCI | 2021年 |
23 | Comprehensive study on the microstructure evolution and oxidation resistance performance of NiCoCrAlYTa coating during isothermal oxidation at High temperature | Corrosion Science, 2020, 175 (10): 108889-108898 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2020年 |
24 | Impact of cathode loss on plasma characteristics, microstructures and properties of 7YSZ coatings in PS-PVD | Ceramics International, 2020, 46 (9) : 13307-13316 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2020年 |
25 | Selective laser melting (SLM) of CX stainless steel: Theoretical calculation, process optimization and strengthening mechanism | Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 73: 151-164 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2020年 |
26 | Effect of building directions on the surface roughness, microstructure, and tribological properties of selective laser melted Inconel 625 | Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2021, 288: 116878 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2020年 |
27 | Modulation of Si on microstructure and tribo-mechanical properties of hydrogen-free DLC films prepared by magnetron sputtering | Applied Surface Science 2020, 509: 145381 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2020年 |
28 | Promoting the heterogeneous nucleation and the functional properties of directed energy deposited NiTi alloy by addition of La2O3 | Additive Manufacturing, 2020,33:101150 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2020年 |
29 | Very low-pressure plasma-sprayed dense yttria-stabilized zirconia coatings using an axial bi-cathode plasma torch | Surface & Coatings Technology, 2020, 402: 126281 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2020年 |
30 | Effect of rare earth elements on high temperature oxidation behaviour of austenitic steel | Corrosion Science,2020,164 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2020年 |
31 | Effect of Ce on oxidation behaviour and microstructure evolution of a nickel-saving austenitic heat-resistant cast steel | Corrosion Science,2020,166 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2020年 |
32 | On the rule of mixtures for bimetal composites without bonding | Journal of Magnesium and Alloys,2020,8(4):1253-1261 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2020年 |
33 | Corrosion inhibition of galvanized steel by MnO4 ion as a soluble inhibitor in simulated fresh concrete environment | Construction and Building Materials,2020,257 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2020年 |
34 | Fabrication and oxidation resistance behavior of phosphate/borate impregnation for graphite | Surface & Coatings Technology,2020,389 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2020年 |
35 | Effect of pre-deformation on microstructure and mechanical properties of WE43 magnesium alloy II Aging at 250 and 300 °C | Journal of Magnesium and Alloys,2020,8(1):103-110 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2020年 |
36 | Effect of Fe Content on Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of squeeze cast Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys | Materials Characterization,2020,170 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2020年 |
37 | The role of interstitial carbon atoms on the strain-hardening rate of twinning-induced plasticity steels | Scripta Materialia,2020,178:264-268 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2020年 |
38 | Microstructure evolution and bonding strength of the Al2O3/Al2O3 interface brazed via Ni-Ti intermetallic phases | Journal of the European ceramic society | SCI,Top期刊 | 2020年 |
39 | Al2O3-modified PS-PVD 7YSZ thermal barrier coatings for advanced gas-turbine engines | npj Materials Degradation, 2020, 4: 31 | SCI | 2020年 |
40 | 工艺参数对连续碳纤维表面电磁搅拌化学镀镍的影响 | 表面技术,2020, 49(5):10. | EI,中文核心 | 2020年 |
41 | Failure analysis of lead-free brass valve bodyies | Engineering Failure Analysis,2019,100:536-543 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2019年 |
42 | Microstructure and mechanical properties of PM Ti600 alloy after hot extrusion and subsequent annealing treatment | Materials Science and Engineering A,2019, 748(MAR.4):434-440 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2019年 |
43 | High strength Mg-1.4Gd-1.2Y-0.4Zn sheet and its strengthening mechanisms | Materials Science and Engineering A,2019, 747:17-26 | SCI,Top期刊 | 2019年 |
44 | Influence of forging pressure on microstructural and mechanical properties development in linear friction welded Al-Cu dissimilar joint | Soldagem & Inspecao,2019, 24 | SCI | 2019年 |
45 | Effect of recrystallization and texture on mechanical properties of extruded aa7003 alloy einfluss von rekristallisation und textur auf die mechanischen eigenschaften der strangpresslegierung aa7003 | Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik | SCI | 2019年 |
46 | Effct of Zr on microstructure and high-temperature mechanical properties of austenitic heat resistant steel | Materials Research Express,2019, 6(11):116549 | SCI | 2019年 |
47 | Microsstructure evolution and mechanical properies of ZrO2/ZrO2 joints brazed with NI-TI filler metal | Materials Research Express,2019, 6(12):126547 | SCI | 2019年 |
48 | Low-cost and high-strength powder metallurgy Ti–Al–Mo–Fe alloy and its application | Journal of Materials and Science,2019, 54(18) | SCI | 2019年 |
49 | E?ect of heat treatment and synergistic rare-earth modifed NiCrAlY on bonding strength of nanostructured 8YSZ coatings | Applied surface Science,Volume 480, 30 June 2019, Pages 636-645 | SCI | 2019年 |
50 | Bonding strength and thermal conductivity of novel nanostructured La2(Zr0.75Ce0.25)2O7/8YSZ coatings | Applied surface Science,卷: 481 页: 460-465 出版年: JUL 1 2019 | SCI | 2019年 |
51 | Analysis of the microstructural evolution and interface diffusion behavior of NiCoCrAlYTa coating in high temperature oxidation | Corrosion Science, 2019, 153:162-169.2019年6月 | SCI | 2019年 |
52 | Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Ti-rich TiNi lattice structures: Process optimisation, geometrical integrity, and phase transformations | International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 卷: 141 页: 19-29 出版年: JUN 2019 | SCI | 2019年 |
53 | Effect of bias voltage on the oxidation resistance of NiCoCrAlYTa coatings prepared by arc ion plating | Corrosion Science,Available online 3 December 2018 | SCI | 2019年 |
54 | 摩托车发动机用TI-AL-FE-MO气门的制备及性能表征 | 稀有金属材料与工程, 2019, 48(10):5 | SCI | 2019年 |
55 | 热震对TiAlSiN 涂层结构与性能的影响 | 表面技术,2019,48(11),2019年11月 | EI,中文核心 | 2019年 |
56 | 沉积温度对NiCrAlY/Ag复合薄膜结构及性能的影响 | 表面技术,2019,48(12),2019年12月 | EI,中文核心 | 2019年 |
57 | 选区激光熔化制造Inconel625高温合金工艺、组织和力学性能的研究 | 中国激光,2019/12 | EI,中文核心 | 2019年 |
58 | 表面粗糙度对PS-PVD热障涂层陶瓷层沉积的影响 | 材料工程, 47、2019(8) | 材料工程 | 2019年 |
59 | 等离子喷涂用纳米结构T'相8YSZ球形喂料及应用展望 | 表面技术,2019,48(01):37-42. | EI,中文核心 | 2019年 |
60 | PS-PVD 等离子射流特性的光谱诊断研究进展 | 中国表面工程,第32卷、2019年12月 | EI,中文核心 | 2019年 |