


1In situ design of advanced titanium alloy with concentration modulations by additive manufacturingScience,2021,374(6566):SCI,Top期刊2021年
2Cavitation erosion-corrosion behaviour of Fe-10Cr martensitic steel microalloyed with Zr in 3.5% NaCl solutionCorrosion Science, 2021,184: 109382SCI,Top期刊2021年
3Tailoring microstructure and texture of Mg–3Al–1Zn alloy sheets through curve extrusion process for achieving low planar anisotropyJournal of Materials Science & Technology.2021SCI,Top期刊2021年
4Structure and properties of ta-C films prepared by vacuum cathodic arc with an unbalanced external electromagnetic fieldCeramics International,2021,48:111-119SCI,Top期刊2021年
5Effect of hot isostatic pressing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 17-4PH stainless steel parts fabricated by selective laser meltingMaterials Science and Engineering A, 2021, 810: 141035SCI,Top期刊2021年
6Effect of calcination temperature on the microstructure, composition and properties of nanometer agglomerated 8YSZ powders for plasma spray-physical vapor deposition (PS-PVD) and coatings thereofCeramics International 2021,47(12) 16632–16640SCI,Top期刊2021年
7The growth restriction effect of TiCN nanoparticles on Al-Cu-Zr alloys via ultrasonic treatmentUltrasonics Sonochemistry, 2021, 80: 105829.SCI,Top期刊2021年
8Microstructure, interface characteristics and tribological properties of laser cladded NiCrBSi-WC coatings on PH 13-8 Mo steelTribology International,2021, 157: 106873SCI,Top期刊2021年
9Effect of second-phase particles on the oxidation behaviour of a high-manganese austenitic heat-resistant steelCorrosion Science,2021,182,109284SCI,Top期刊2021年
10Microstructure evolution and interdiffusion behaviors of (Ni,Pt)Al coating with and without Re-diffusion barrier on IC21 substrate at 1100?CMaterials Characterization 2021,181: 111450SCI,Top期刊2021年
11Effects of pre-aging on microstructure evolution and deformation mechanisms of hot extruded Mg-6Zn-1Gd-1Er Mg alloysJournal of Magnesium and Alloys,2021SCI,Top期刊2021年
12Nitrogen species in a thermal plasma under very low pressure (150Pa):Application to reactive plasma sprayingCeramics International, 47(2021)30300-30038SCI,Top期刊2021年
13The near-surface microstructural evolution and the influence of Si particles during nanoscratching of nanocrystalline AlApplied Surface Sicence,2022,573:151533SCI,Top期刊2021年
14Effects of powder characteristics and mixing powders on cold sprayability and corrosion properties of tantalum coatingsSurface & Coatings Technology,2021,426:127763SCI,Top期刊2021年
15AlCoCrNiMo high-entropy alloy as diffusion barrier between NiAlHf coating and Ni-based single crystal superalloySurface & Coatings Technology, 2021, 414: 127101SCI,Top期刊2021年
16Interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of ZTA/ZTA joints brazed with Ni-Ti filler metalJournal of the European Ceramic Society 2021,41: 2076–2084SCI,Top期刊2021年
17Crystallization behavior, soft magnetic properties and good bending ductility of high Fe content FeSiBCuPC alloys induced by composition designJournal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 859: 157850SCI,Top期刊2021年
18Research on the effects of surface modification of ceramic powder on cure performance during digital light processing (DLP)Ceramics International, 2022, 48 (3): 3652-3658SCI,Top期刊2021年
19Microstructural characterization and mechanical properties of ZTA/ZTA joint brazed by Ni50Ti50 filler metalCeramics International 2021, 47: 2758–2765SCI,Top期刊2021年
20冷喷涂技术的研究进展与应用中国表面工程,2020, 33(4): 16-25EI,中文核心2021年
21In Situ Investigation of Si-Poisoning Effect in Al–Cu–Si Alloys Inoculated by Al–5Ti–1BActa Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 97, 2021.SCI2021年
22Fabrication of spherical WC-Co powders by radio frequency induction plasma spheroidization combined with heat treatmentPowder Technology, 2021, 385: 160-169SCI2021年
23Comprehensive study on the microstructure evolution and oxidation resistance performance of NiCoCrAlYTa coating during isothermal oxidation at High temperatureCorrosion Science, 2020, 175 (10): 108889-108898SCI,Top期刊2020年
24Impact of cathode loss on plasma characteristics, microstructures and properties of 7YSZ coatings in PS-PVDCeramics International, 2020, 46 (9) : 13307-13316SCI,Top期刊2020年
25Selective laser melting (SLM) of CX stainless steel: Theoretical calculation, process optimization and strengthening mechanismJournal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 73: 151-164SCI,Top期刊2020年
26Effect of building directions on the surface roughness, microstructure, and tribological properties of selective laser melted Inconel 625Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2021, 288: 116878SCI,Top期刊2020年
27Modulation of Si on microstructure and tribo-mechanical properties of hydrogen-free DLC films prepared by magnetron sputteringApplied Surface Science 2020, 509:  145381SCI,Top期刊2020年
28Promoting the heterogeneous nucleation and the functional properties of directed  energy deposited NiTi alloy by addition of La2O3Additive Manufacturing, 2020,33:101150SCI,Top期刊2020年
29Very low-pressure plasma-sprayed dense yttria-stabilized zirconia coatings using an axial bi-cathode plasma torchSurface & Coatings Technology, 2020, 402: 126281SCI,Top期刊2020年
30Effect of rare earth elements on high temperature oxidation behaviour of austenitic steelCorrosion Science,2020,164SCI,Top期刊2020年
31Effect of Ce on oxidation behaviour and microstructure evolution of a nickel-saving austenitic heat-resistant cast steelCorrosion Science,2020,166SCI,Top期刊2020年
32On the rule of mixtures for bimetal composites without bondingJournal of Magnesium and Alloys,2020,8(4):1253-1261SCI,Top期刊2020年
33Corrosion inhibition of galvanized steel by MnO4 ion as a soluble inhibitor in simulated fresh concrete environmentConstruction and Building Materials,2020,257SCI,Top期刊2020年
34Fabrication and oxidation resistance behavior of phosphate/borate impregnation for graphiteSurface & Coatings Technology,2020,389SCI,Top期刊2020年
35Effect of pre-deformation on microstructure and mechanical properties of WE43 magnesium alloy II Aging at 250 and 300 °CJournal of Magnesium and Alloys,2020,8(1):103-110SCI,Top期刊2020年
36Effect of Fe Content on Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of squeeze cast Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloysMaterials Characterization,2020,170SCI,Top期刊2020年
37The role of interstitial carbon atoms on the strain-hardening rate of twinning-induced plasticity steelsScripta Materialia,2020,178:264-268SCI,Top期刊2020年
38Microstructure evolution and bonding strength of the Al2O3/Al2O3 interface brazed via Ni-Ti intermetallic phasesJournal of the European ceramic societySCI,Top期刊2020年
39Al2O3-modified PS-PVD 7YSZ thermal barrier coatings for advanced gas-turbine enginesnpj Materials Degradation, 2020, 4: 31SCI2020年
40工艺参数对连续碳纤维表面电磁搅拌化学镀镍的影响表面技术,2020, 49(5):10.EI,中文核心2020年
41Failure analysis of lead-free brass valve bodyiesEngineering Failure Analysis,2019,100:536-543SCI,Top期刊2019年
42Microstructure and mechanical properties of PM Ti600 alloy after hot extrusion and subsequent annealing  treatment Materials Science and Engineering A,2019, 748(MAR.4):434-440SCI,Top期刊2019年
43High strength Mg-1.4Gd-1.2Y-0.4Zn sheet and its strengthening mechanismsMaterials Science and Engineering A,2019, 747:17-26SCI,Top期刊2019年
44Influence of forging pressure on microstructural and mechanical properties development in linear friction welded Al-Cu dissimilar jointSoldagem &
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45Effect of recrystallization and texture on mechanical properties of extruded aa7003 alloy einfluss von rekristallisation und textur auf die mechanischen eigenschaften der strangpresslegierung aa7003Materialwissenschaft und WerkstofftechnikSCI2019年
46Effct of Zr on microstructure and high-temperature mechanical properties of austenitic heat resistant steelMaterials Research
 Express,2019, 6(11):116549
47Microsstructure evolution and mechanical properies of ZrO2/ZrO2 joints brazed with NI-TI filler metalMaterials Research
 Express,2019, 6(12):126547
48Low-cost and high-strength powder metallurgy Ti–Al–Mo–Fe alloy and its applicationJournal of Materials and Science,2019, 54(18)SCI2019年
49E?ect of heat treatment and synergistic rare-earth modifed NiCrAlY on bonding strength of nanostructured 8YSZ coatingsApplied surface Science,Volume 480, 30 June 2019, Pages 636-645
50Bonding strength and thermal conductivity of novel nanostructured La2(Zr0.75Ce0.25)2O7/8YSZ coatingsApplied surface Science,卷: 481   页: 460-465   出版年: JUL 1 2019SCI2019年
51Analysis of the microstructural evolution and interface diffusion behavior of NiCoCrAlYTa coating in high temperature oxidationCorrosion Science, 2019, 153:162-169.2019年6月SCI2019年
52Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Ti-rich TiNi lattice structures: Process optimisation, geometrical integrity, and phase transformationsInternational Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 卷: 141   页: 19-29   出版年: JUN 2019SCI2019年
53Effect of bias voltage on the oxidation resistance of NiCoCrAlYTa coatings prepared by arc ion platingCorrosion Science,Available online 3 December 2018SCI2019年
54摩托车发动机用TI-AL-FE-MO气门的制备及性能表征稀有金属材料与工程, 2019, 48(10):5SCI2019年
55热震对TiAlSiN 涂层结构与性能的影响表面技术,2019,48(11),2019年11月EI,中文核心2019年
57选区激光熔化制造Inconel625高温合金工艺、组织和力学性能的研究中国激光,2019/12 EI,中文核心2019年
58表面粗糙度对PS-PVD热障涂层陶瓷层沉积的影响材料工程, 47、2019(8)材料工程2019年
60PS-PVD 等离子射流特性的光谱诊断研究进展中国表面工程,第32卷、2019年12月EI,中文核心2019年