序号 | 论文论著名称 | 全部作者 | 刊号/出版CIP数据 | 发表时间 | 正式发表刊物(会议)名称 卷、年、月 | 是否中文核心 | EI/SCI/ISTP收录 | SCI(分区+影响因子) |
1 | First-principle Study on Sr -doped LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 | Xinghua Liang, Yunting Wang, Di Han, Jie Mao, Lingxiao Lan | 1452-3981 | 2019.6.10 | International Journal of Electrochemical Science 卷: 14 期: 7 页: 6315-6324 2019、5 | / | SCI | 4区+1.284 |
2 | Study on the Properties of LiMn2O4/Li1.5Al0.5Ge1.5(PO4)3 Composite Cathode Materials | Xinghua Liang, Qiuman Wu, Lingxiao Lan, Xi Wu, Jie Mao | 1452-3981 | 2019.10.7 | International Journal of ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE 卷: 14 期: 11 页: 10153-10161 2019、10 | / | SCI | 4区+1.284 |
3 | Deposition of binder-free oxygen-vacancies NiCo2O4 based films with hollow microspheres via solution precursor thermal spray for supercapacitors | Yangzhou Ma,Zexin Yu,Meimei Liu,Chen Song,Xuanning Huang,Michel Moliere,Guangsheng Song,Hanlin Liao | 0272-8842 | 2019.6.1 | Ceramics International, 卷: 45 期: 8 页: 10722-10732 出版年: JUN 2019 | / | SCI | 1区+3.45 |
4 | Preparation and characterization of aluminum-based coatings deposited by very low-pressure plasma spray | Xiujuan Fan, Geoffrey Darut, Marie Pierre Planche, Chen Song, Hanlin Liao,Ghislain Montavon | 0257-8972 | 2019.12.25 | Surface and Coatings Technology, 2019, 380: 125034. | / | SCI | 2区+3.19 |
5 | Thermo-physical and thermal insulation properties of multi-scale nanostructured thermal barrier coatings using as-prepared t′-8YSZ feedstocks | Feifei Zhou, You Wang, Min Liu, Chunming Deng, Xiaofeng Zhang | 0272-8842 | 2019.12.15 | Ceramics International,卷: 45 期:18页: 24096-24103 子辑:A 出版年: DEC 15 2019 | / | SCI | 1区+3.45 |
6 | E?ect of heat treatment and synergistic rare-earth modifed NiCrAlY on bonding strength of nanostructured 8YSZ coatings | Feifei Zhou, Zhenguo Zhang, Saiyue Liu, Lan Wang, Jin Jia, You Wang, Xong Gong, Junfeng Gou, Chunming Deng, Min Liu | 0169-4332 | 2019.3 | Applied surface Science,Volume 480, 30 June 2019, Pages 636-645 | / | SCI | 1区+5.155 |
7 | Bonding strength and thermal conductivity of novel nanostructured La2(Zr0.75Ce0.25)2O7/8YSZ coatings | Feifei Zhou, You Wang, Min Liu, Chunming Deng,Yuting Li,Yaming Wang, Xiaofeng Zhang | 0169-4332 | 2019.7.1 | Applied surface Science,卷: 481 页: 460-465 出版年: JUL 1 2019 | / | SCI | 1区+5.155 |
8 | Depth-sensing indentation creep behavior of nanostructured thermal barrier coatings from as-synthesized t′-8YSZ feedstocks | Feifei Zhou, Min Liu, Yaming Wang, You Wang, Chunming Deng | 2079-4991 | 2019.12.23 | Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland)卷:10期: 1 出版年: 2019 Dec 23 | / | SCI | 2区+4.034 |
9 | Fabrication of Dense Gadolinia-Doped Ceria Coatings via Very-Low-Pressure Plasma Spray and Plasma Spray–Physical Vapor Deposition Process | 温靖,宋琛,刘太楷,邓子谦,牛少鹏,张亚鹏,刘立斌,刘敏 | 2079-6412 | 2019.11.1 | Coatings, 9卷,2019年11月 | / | SCI | 3区+2.33 |
10 | Nano-composite Structured Environmental Barrier Coatings Prepared by Plasma Spray-Physical Vapor Deposition and Their Thermal Cycle Performance | Wang Chao, Zhang Xiaofeng, Zhou Kesong,Liu Min,Deng Changguang,Deng Chunming,Niu Shaopeng,Xu Shiming,Chen Zhikun,Zeng Wei | 1002-185X | 2019.11 | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2019, 48(11): 3455-3462. | / | SCI | 4区+0.38 |
11 | 镀铝改性对PS-PVD 7YSZ热障涂层抗CMAS腐蚀影响机制 | 范佳锋、张小锋、周克崧、刘敏、邓畅光、邓春明、牛少鹏、邓子谦 | 1000-324X | 2019.9.16 | 无机材料学报 第34卷 第9期 2019年9月 | / | SCI | 4区+0.635 |
12 | Structural evolution of Al-modified PS-PVD 7YSZ TBCs in thermal cycling | Xiaofeng Zhang, Min Liu, Hong Li, Chunming Deng, Changguang Deng, Ziqian Deng, Shaopeng Niu, Kesong Zhou | 0272-8842 | 2019.4.15 | Ceramics International,2019, 45:7560–7567, | / | SCI | 1区+3.450 |
13 | Preparation of Al2O3 nanowires on 7YSZ thermal barrier coatings against CMAS corrosion | Xiaofeng Zhang, Shaopeng NIU, Zi-qian DENG, Min LIU, Hong LI, Chun-ming DENG, Chang-guang DENG, Ke-song ZHOU | 1003-6326 | 2019.11 | Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 29(2019) 2362?2370 | / | SCI | 2区+2.338 |
14 | Performance study of a Li4Ti5 O12 electrode for lithium batteries prepared by atmospheric plasma spraying | Xinghua Liang, Yunting Wang, Xiaofeng Zhang , Di Hana, Lingxiao Lan, Yanhui Zhang | 0272-8842 | 2019.12.1 | Ceramics International,2019, 45(17):23750-23755 | / | SCI | 1区+3.450 |
15 | A direct carbon solid oxide fuel cell stack on a single electrolyte plate fabricated by tape casting technique | WeiWang, Zhijun Liu, Yapeng Zhang, Peipei Liu, Qianyuan Qiu, Mingyang Zhou,Meilin Liu, Jiang Liu | 0925-8388 | 2019.7.25 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 794 (2019) 294-302 | / | SCI | 2区+4.175 |
16 | Third-body and crack behavior in white etching layer induced by sliding–rolling friction | Yan Zhou, Ji-liang Mo, Zhen-bing Caib, Chang-guang Deng, Jin-fang Peng,Min-hao Zhu | 0301-679X | 2019.12 | Tribology International, 140 (2019) 105882 | / | SCI | 1区+3.517 |
17 | A model of splats deposition state and wear resistance of WC-10Co4Cr coating | Tao Han, Deng Chunming, Xiaofeng Zhang, Qiao Liu | 0272-8842 | 2018.3 | Ceramics International 44 (2018) 4230-4236 | / | SCI | 1区+3.45 |
18 | TiB2-SiC粉末喷雾造粒及其等离子喷涂沉积机理研究 | 邹柯 邓春明 刘敏 邹俭鹏 朱仁波 高迪 | 1002-185X | 2019.1.15 | 稀有金属材料与工程,2019,48(1):213-220 | / | SCI | 4区+0.381 |
19 | Improvement in the mechanical properties of plasma spray ceramic-Cu/TI3AlC2 gradient coatings by heat treatment | Qiaolei Li, Peng Song,*, Wenlang Huang, Chunming Deng, Chunjian Wangc, Lu Lic, Biju Zheng, Jiansheng Lu | 0272-8842 | 2019.12.1 | Ceramics International 45 (2019) 22452–22463 | / | SCI | 1区+3.450 |
20 | Effect of partial crystallization of an amorphous layer on the mechanical properties of ceramic/metal-glass coating by thermal spraying | Qiaolei Lia, Peng Song, Quan Dong, Chen Hua, Chunming Deng, Lu Li, Biju Zheng,Jiansheng Lu | 0272-8842 | 2019.10.15 | Ceramics International, 45 (2019) 18803–18813 | / | SCI | 1区+3.450 |
21 | Electrochemical corrosive Behaviors of Fe-Based Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Coating on Stainless Steel Prepared by HVOF Spraye | Jifu Zhang, Chunming Deng, Jinbing Song, Changguang Deng, Min Liu, Mingjiang Dai | 2079-6412 | 2019.3.29 | Coatings, 2019, 9(226): 1-16. | / | SCI | 3区+2.33 |
22 | 表面粗糙度对PS-PVD热障涂层陶瓷层沉积的影响 | 曾威, 毛杰, 马景涛, 邓畅光, 邓子谦, 邓春明, 宋鹏. | 1001-4381 | 2019.8.20 | 材料工程 47、2019(8) | 是 | EI | / |
23 | 等离子喷涂用纳米结构T'相8YSZ球形喂料及应用展望 | 周飞飞,刘敏,邓春明,王亮,黄长翔,王铀 | 1001-3660 | 2019.1.20 | 表面技术,2019,48(01):37-42. | 是 | EI | / |
24 | PS-PVD 等离子射流特性的光谱诊断研究进展 | 张岩,邓畅光,毛杰,邓子谦,罗志伟 | 1007-9289, | 2019.12.11 | 中国表面工程第32卷、2019年12月 | 是 | EI | / |
25 | 等离子喷涂-物理气相沉积7YSZ热障涂层形成机制 | 张小锋,周克崧,刘敏, 邓子谦 魏亮亮, 毛杰, 邓春明, 邓畅光 | 1674-7321 | 2019.6.5 | 中国科学:技术科学, 2019, 49:1-12 | 是 | EI | / |
26 | 大气等离子喷涂MoSi2-30Al2O3电热涂层组织结构及性能 | 周炎哲,刘敏,杨焜,曾威,宋进兵,邓春明,邓畅光 | 1000-324x | 2019.6.10 | 无机材料学报;2019(6):646-652. | 是 | SCI | 4区+0.635 |
27 | APS 制备 7YSZ 热障涂层镀铝改性的抗氧化性 | 许世鸣,张小锋,刘敏,邓春明,邓畅光,牛少鹏 | 1005-023X | 2019.1.25 | 材料导报:2019,33( 1) : 283-287 | 是 | EI | / |
28 | 超音速等离子喷涂制备非对称型La_(0.6)Sr_(0.4)Co_(0.2)Fe_(0.8)O_(3-δ)透氧膜的性能 | 牛少鹏,周克崧,邓畅光,徐丽萍,毛杰,杨焜,曾威,陈志坤,陈龙飞 | 1009-6264 | 2019.9.17 | 材料热处理学报;2019,40(09):135-141;2019.05 | 是 | / | / |
29 | 紫铜表面掺钨类金刚石膜的制备、耐蚀性及细胞相容性研究 | 徐丽萍,林松盛 | 1004-227x | 2019.7.15 | 电镀与涂饰:2019,38(13):663-667 | 是 | / | / |
30 | 大气等离子喷涂镁铝尖晶石涂层的结构及绝缘性能 | 杨焜,陈龙飞 ,周炎哲,赵瑞敏,李顺华,宋进兵,邓春明,邓畅光,刘敏 | 1004-227x | 2019.8.30 | 电镀与涂饰:2019,38(13):663-667 | 是 | / | / |
31 | PS-PVD等离子射流中7YSZ粉末的蒸发行为及射流特性的光谱诊断 | 张岩,邓畅光,毛杰,邓子谦,罗志伟 | 1673-9981 | 2019.12.15 | 材料研究与应用,2019.12 | / | / | / |
32 | Formation mechanism of island CoO in La-Sr-Co-Fe oxygen transport membrane deposited by low pressure plasma spraying-thin film technology | Niu, Shaopeng; Zhou, Kesong; Deng, Chunming; Xu, Liping; Liu, Min; Zeng, Wei; Chen, Zhikun | 1742-6588 | 2019.12 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series;(2019) 012115 | 是 | EI | / |
33 | 电解水制氢发展概况之一:碱式电解水 | 刘太楷; 邓春明; 张亚鹏 | 1673-9981 | 2019.12.15 | 材料研究与应用,2019.12 | / | / | / |
34 | 不同粘结层材料的PS-PVD热障涂层热震性能 | 毛杰,刘飞,邓子谦,邓春明,刘敏,曾德长,梁兴华 | 1673-9981 | 2019.3.15 | 材料研究与应用 13、2019、1 | / | / | / |
35 | 等离子喷涂-物理气相沉积稀土高温功能涂层研究进展 | 邓春明,肖 娟,曹家旭,张小锋,牛少鹏,毛 杰,邓子谦,宋 琛 | 1673-9981 | 2019.9.15 | 材料研究与应用,2019,13(3):247-251,256 | / | / | / |
36 | Analysis of the microstructural evolution and interface diffusion behavior of NiCoCrAlYTa coating in high temperature oxidation | Hongzhi Yang, Jianpeng Zou, Qian Shi, Mingjiang Dai, Songsheng Lin, Wei Du, Liang Lv | 0010-938X | 2019.6 | Corrosion Science, 2019, 153:162-169.2019年6月 | / | SCI | 1区+:6.355 |
37 | The influence of Cr content on the phase structure of the Al-rich Al-Cr-O films deposited by magnetron sputtering at low temperature | Yitian Cheng, Wenfeng Qiu, K S Zhou, Dongling Jiao, Z W Liu, X C Zhong, Hongwei Zhang | 0272-8842 | 2019.5 | Ceramics International, 2019, 45:8175-8180. 2019年5月 | / | SCI | 1区+:3.45 |
38 | The adhesion strength and mechanical properties of SiC films deposited on SiAlON buffer layer by magnetron sputtering | Shumei Song, Hui Sun, Sheng-Chi Chen, Mingjiang Dai, Kunlun Wang, Xiaoyan Zheng,Yingbo Lu, Tianlin Yang, Zhen-Ming Yue. | 0257-8972 | 2019.2.25 | Surface & Coatings Technology, Volume 360, 25 February 2019 | / | SCI | 2区+:3.192 |
39 | Electrochemical and optoelectric behavior of Al-doped ZnO films as transparent anode for Li-ion batteries | Qian Shi, Songsheng Lin, Chunbei Wei, Hong Li, Chaoqian Guo, Yifan Su, Hu Fang, Mingjiang Dai | 2352-4928 | 2019.6 | Materials Today Communications,Volume 19, June 2019, Pages 471-475 | / | SCI | 3区+:1.859 |
40 | Effects of bilayer number and thickness ratio on structure and properties of (Cr,N)-DLC/DLC multilayer films | Chaoqian Guo, Zhiliang Pei, Jun Gong, Chao Sun, Songsheng Lin, Qian Shi. | 0925-9635 | 2019.2 | Diamond & Related Materials, 卷: 92 页: 187-197 出版年: FEB 2019 | / | SCI | 3区+:2.29 |
41 | Influence of Sputtering Power on the Electrical Properties of In-Sn-Zn Oxide Thin Films Deposited by High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering | Zhi-Yue Li, Sheng-Chi Chen, Qiu-Hong Huo, Ming-Han Liao, Ming-Jiang Dai, Song-Sheng Lin, Tian-Lin Yang, Hui Sun. | 2079-6412 | 2019.10.31 | Coatings, 2019,9,715,2019年10月 | / | SCI | 3区+:2.33 |
42 | Enhanced photocatalytic activity by photo-Fenton reaction: Towards TiO2 nanotubes sensitized by Fe(III)-tartrate | Lei Zhang, Peng-Jiang He, Wan-Xia Wang, Ming-Jiang Dai, Wei Qiao, Li-Xin Cao, Bo-Hua Dong, Qian Zhu, Hui Sun. | 0022-3727 | 2019.2.18 | Journal of Physics D,卷: 52 期: 17 文献号: 175302 出版年: APR 24 2019 | / | SCI | 3区+:2.829 |
43 | Tribochemical Behavior of Pure Magnesium During Sliding Friction | Yan Zhou, Jinfang Peng, Mengjie Wang, Jiliang Mo, Cuangguang Deng, Minhao Zhu. | 2075-4701 | 2019.3.9 | Metals, 2019, 9(3):2-13.2019年3月 | / | SCI | 3区+:2.259 |
44 | Influence of power frequency on the performance of SiC thin films deposited by pulsed DC magnetron sputtering | Hui Sun, Song-Sheng Lin, Kun-Lun Wang, Qian Shi, Shu-Mei Song, Yan-Qing Xin, Tian-Lin Yang, Xiao-Yan Zheng, Wan-Xia Wang, Zhen-Ming Yue. | 0169-4243 | 2019.7.19 | Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2019, 33(20): 2181-2190,2019年7月 | / | SCI | 4区+1.21 |
45 | Low-temperature deposition of α-Al2O3 film using Al+α-Al2O3 composite target by radio frequency magnetron sputtering | Yitian. Cheng, Wanqi Qiu, Kesong Zhou, Yu Yang, Dongling Jiao, Zhongwu Liu, Xichun Zhong. | 2053-1591 | 2019.5.8 | Materials Research Express, 2019,6(8):086412,2019年8月 | / | SCI | 4区+:1.449 |
46 | 低温反应溅射Al+α-Al2O3 复合靶沉积α-Al2O3 薄膜 | 程奕天,邱万奇, 周克崧, 刘仲武, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 张辉。 | 1000-324x | 2019.6.10 | 无机材料学报,2019,34(8),2019年8月 | / | SCI | 4区+:0.635 |
47 | 电弧离子镀电磁线圈电压对TiAlN涂层结构及性能的影响 | 李洪,杨鸿泰,林松盛,石倩,韦春贝,郭朝乾,苏一凡,唐鹏 | 1001-3660 | 2019.9.20 | 表面技术,2019,48(9),2019年9月 | 是 | EI | / |
48 | 铁氧体表面Cr/Ni/Ag复合薄膜制备及性能研究 | 李洪,崔骏,林松盛,石倩,蔡畅,韦春贝,黄裕坤 | 1001-3660 | 2019.12.20 | 表面技术,2019,48(12),2019年12月 | 是 | EI | / |
49 | 热震对TiAlSiN 涂层结构与性能的影响 | 宋智辉,代明江,李洪,林松盛,石倩,韦春贝,郭朝乾,苏一凡 | 1001-3660 | 2019.11.20 | 表面技术,2019,48(11),2019年11月 | 是 | EI | / |
50 | 沉积温度对NiCrAlY/Ag复合薄膜结构及性能的影响 | 吴易谦,韦春贝,代明江,匡同春,刘敏,林松盛,石倩 | 1001-3660 | 2019.12.20 | 表面技术,2019,48(12),2019年12月 | 是 | EI | / |
51 | TiAlN涂层高温行为的研究进展 | 宋智辉,代明江,李洪,林松盛,石倩,韦春贝,郭朝乾,苏一凡 | 1004-227x | 2019.5.15 | 电镀与涂饰,2019,38(9),2019年5月 | 是 | / | / |
52 | 表面处理技术对钛合金疲劳性能影响的研究进展 | 王迪,林松盛,刘灵云,杨洪志,蒋百灵,薛玉娜,周克崧。 | 1002-0322 | 2019.11.25 | 真空,2019,56(6):36-42.2019年11月 | 是 | / | / |
53 | 高功率脉冲复合直流磁控溅射制备类金刚石薄膜的结构与性能 | 高迪,林松盛,许伟,邹俭鹏,杨洪志。 | 1006-6543 | 2019.2.10 | 粉末冶金工业,2019,29(1):18-23.2019年1月 | 是 | / | / |
54 | 调制周期对Cr/CrN多层膜结构及性能的影响 | 黄儒明,代明江,林松盛,刘洪喜。 | 1001-3814 | 2019.5.25 | 热加工工艺,2019,48(10):136-139.2019年10月 | 是 | / | / |
55 | 调制比对MoS2-Ti/Cu-Ni-In多层膜微动磨损性能影响 | 李琪,代明江,韦春贝,刘凤美,熊敏 | 1005-8192 | 2019.6.14 | 金属功能材料,2019,26(3):21-26。2019年3月 | 是 | / | / |
56 | 综述金属掺杂对类金刚石薄膜结构和性能的影响 | 彭雅利,郭朝乾,林松盛,石倩,韦春贝,李洪,苏一凡,代明江 | 1004-227X | 2019.8.15 | 电镀与涂饰,2019,38(15),2019年8月 | 是 | / | / |
57 | 基体负偏压及占空比对电弧离子镀CrN 薄膜表面大颗粒和厚度的影响 | 郭朝乾,林松盛,石倩,韦春贝,李洪,苏一凡,唐鹏,汪唯,代明江 | 1004-227X | 2019.7.15 | 电镀与涂饰,38卷13期,19年7月 | 是 | / | / |
58 | 磁过滤电弧离子镀制备DLC薄膜的表面形貌和成键状态 | 郭朝乾,林松盛,石倩,韦春贝,李洪,汪唯,代明江。 | 1673-9981 | 2019.6.15 | 材料研究与应用,2019,13(2),2019年4月 | / | / | / |
59 | 基体偏压对高功率脉冲磁控溅射AlCrN涂层结构及其性能的影响 | 唐鹏,王启民,林松盛,代明江。 | 1673-9981 | 2019.12.15 | 材料研究与应用,2019,13(4),2019年12月 | / | / | / |
60 | CrN膜层结构对其性能的影响 | 林松盛,黄儒明,苏一凡,石倩,韦春贝,代明江。 | 1673-9981 | 2019.9.15 | 材料研究与应用,2019,13(3),2019年9月 | / | / | / |
61 | 绕线片式电感表面金属化研究进展 | 李洪,林松盛,石倩,韦春贝,崔骏,蔡畅,黄裕坤 | 1673-9981 | 2019.3.15 | 材料研究与应用,2019,13(1),2019年1月 | / | / | / |
62 | 小型绕线功率电感磁芯材料及其表面金属化工艺研究现状 | 崔骏,蔡畅,黄裕坤,李洪,林松盛 | 1673-9981 | 2019.6.15 | 材料研究与应用,2019,13(2),2019年4月 | / | / | / |
63 | Effect of hot isostatic pressing (HIP) treatment on the compressive properties of Ti6Al4V lattice structure fabricated by selective laser melting | Xingchen Yan, Rocco Lupoi, Hongjian Wu, Wenyou Ma, Min Liu, Garrett O'Donne, Shuo Yin | 0167-577X | 2019.11.15 | Materials Letters 卷: 255 文献号: UNSP 126537 出版年: NOV 15 2019 | / | SCI | 3区+3.019 |
64 | Hybrid additive manufacture of 316L stainless steel with cold spray and selective laser melting: Microstructure and mechanical properties | Shuo Yin, Xingchen Yan, Richard Jenkins, Chaoyue Chen, Marios Kazasidis, Min Liu, Min Kuang,Rocco Lupoi | 0924-0136 | 2019.11 | Journal of Materials Processing Technology 卷: 273 文献号: 116248 出版年: NOV 2019 | / | SCI | 2区+4.178 |
65 | Selective laser melting of WC reinforced maraging steel 300: Microstructure characterization and tribological performance | Xingchen Yan,Chaoyue Chen, Ruixin Zhao, Wenyou Ma, Rodolphe Bolot, Jiang Wang, Zhongming Ren, Hanlin Liao, Min Liu | 0257-8972 | 2019.8.15 | Surface and Coatings Technology 卷: 371 特刊: SI 页: 355-365 出版年: AUG 15 2019 | / | SCI | 2区+3.192 |
66 | Additive manufacturing of WC reinforced maraging steel 300 composites by cold spraying and selective laser melting | Xingchen Yan, Chunjie Huang, Chaoyue Chen, Rodolphe Bolot, Lucas Dembinski, Renzhong Huang, Wenyou Ma, Hanlin Liao, Min Liu | 0257-8972 | 2019.8.15 | Surface and Coatings Technology 卷: 371 特刊: SI 页: 161-171 出版年: AUG 15 2019 | / | SCI | 2区+3.192 |
67 | Fatigue strength improvement of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V using ultrasonic surface mechanical attrition | Xingchen Yan, Shuo Yin, Chaoyue Chen, Richard Jenkins, Rocco Lupoi, Rodolphe Bolot, Wenyou Ma, Min Kuang, Hanlin Liao, Jian Lu & Min Liu | 2166-3831 | 2019.4.23 | Materials Research Letters 卷: 7 期: 8 页: 327-333 出版年: 2019 | / | SCI | 1区+7.44 |
68 | Annealing strategies for enhancing mechanical properties of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel deposited by cold spray | Shuo Yin, Jan Cizek, Xingchen Yan, Rocco Lupoi | 0257-8972 | 2019.7.25 | Surface and Coatings Technology 卷: 370 页: 353-361 出版年: JUL 25 2019 | / | SCI | 2区+3.192 |
69 | Improvement of tribological performance by micro-arc oxidation treatment on selective laser melting Ti6Al4V alloy | Xingchen Yan, Chaoyue Chen, Rodolphe Bolot, Wenyou Ma, Chunming Deng, Jiang Wang, Zhongming Ren, Hanlin Liao, Min Liu | 2053-1591 | 2019.9 | Materials Research Express 卷: 6 期: 9 文献号: 096509 出版年: SEP 2019 | / | SCI | 4区+1.449 |
70 | Deposition of FeCoNiCrMn high entropy alloy (HEA) coating via cold spraying | Shuo Yin, Wenya Li, Bo Song, Xingchen Yan, Min Kuang, Yaxin Xu, Kui Wen, Rocco Lupoia | 1005-0302 | 2019.6 | Journal of Materials Science & Technology 卷: 35 期: 6 页: 1003-1007 出版年: JUN 2019 | / | SCI | 1区+5.04 |
71 | Effect of polarization voltage on the surface componentization and biocompatibility of micro-arc oxidation modified selective laser melted Ti6Al4V | Ziyu Chen, Xingchen Yan, Yu Chang, Shiming Xie, Wenyou Ma, Guorui Zhao, Hanlin Liao, Hang Fang, Min Liu, Daozhang Cai | 2053-1591 | 2019.8 | Materials Research Express 卷: 6 期: 8 文献号: 086425 出版年: AUG 2019 | / | SCI | 4区+1.449 |
72 | Cold sprayed WC reinforced maraging steel 300 composites: Microstructure characterization and mechanical properties | Chaoyue Chen, Yingchun Xie, Xincheng Yan, Renzhong Huang, Min Kuang,Wenyou Ma, Ruixin Zhao, Jiang Wang,Min Liu, Zhongming Ren, Hanlin Liao | 0925-8388 | 2019.5.15 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds 卷: 785 页: 499-511 出版年: MAY 15 2019 | / | SCI | 2区+4.175 |
73 | Ductilization of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V alloy by friction stir processing | Chunjie Huang, Xingchen Yan, Lv Zhao, Min Liu, Wenyou Ma, Weibing Wang, Jeroen Soete, Aude Simar | 0921-5093 | 2019.5.7 | Materials Science and Engineering: A 卷: 755 页: 85-96 出版年: MAY 7 2019 | / | SCI | 2区+4.081 |
74 | Mechanical and in vitro study of an isotropic Ti6Al4V lattice structure fabricated using selective laser melting | Xingchen Yan, Qing Li, Shuo Yin, Ziyu Chen, Richard Jenkins, Chaoyue Chen, Jiang Wang, Wenyou Ma, Rodolphe Bolot, RoccoLupoi, Zhongming Ren, Hanlin Liao,Min Liu | 0925-8388 | 2019.4.25 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds 卷: 782 页: 209-223 出版年: APR 25 2019 | / | SCI | 2区+4.175 |
75 | Effect of Ti+N and Zr+N ions implantation on mechanical and corrosion performance of carburized layer | Dong Meiling, Cui Xiufang, Lu Bingwen, Jin Guo, Cai Zhaobing, Feng Xiangru, Liu Zhe, Wang Haidou | 0040-6090 | 2019.12.31 | Thin Solid Films Volume 692, 31 December 2019 | / | SCI | 3区+1.888 |
76 | Effects of Selective Laser Modification and Al Deposition on the Hot Corrosion Resistance of Ceria and Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Thermal Barrier Coatings | Panpan Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhang, Fuhai Li, Zhihui Zhang?, Hong Li, Yueliang Wang, Luquan Ren and Min Liu | 2079-6412 | 2019.5.30 | Coatings 卷: 9 期: 6 文献号: 353 出版年: JUN 2019 | / | SCI | 3区+2.33 |
77 | Hot Corrosion Behavior of YSZ Thermal Barrier Coatings Modified by Laser Remelting and Al Deposition | Panpan Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhang, Fuhai Li, Zhihui Zhang, Yueliang Wang, Hong Li, Luquan Ren and Min Liu | 1059-9630 | 2019.6.18 | Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 卷: 28 期: 6 页: 1225-1238 出版年: AUG 2019 | / | SCI | 3区+2.129 |
78 | Thermal Shock Resistance of Thermal Barrier Coatings with Different Surface Shapes Modified by Laser Remelting | Panpan Zhang, Fuhai Li, Xiaofeng Zhang, Zhihui Zhang, Feifei Zhou, Luquan Ren & Min Liu | 1059-9630 | 2019.12.19 | Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 卷: 28 期: 3 页: 417-432 出版年: FEB 2019 | / | SCI | 3区+2.129 |
79 | Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Ti-rich TiNi lattice structures: Process optimisation, geometrical integrity, and phase transformations | Chaolin Tan Sheng Lia, Khamis Essad, Parastoo Jamshidia, Kesong Zhoub,,Wenyou Ma, Moataz M. Attallah | 0890-6955 | 2019.6 | International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 卷: 141 页: 19-29 出版年: JUN 2019 | / | SCI | 1区+6.039 |
80 | 3D printing of tantalum parts based on low molecular mass organic gel system | Qian Qin, Fang Yang Xinyue Zhang, Tao Shi, Yanru Shao, Haixia Sun, Cunguang Chen, Junjie Hao, Zhimeng Guo | 0263-4368 | 2019.11 | International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials卷: 84 文献号: 105014 出版年: NOV 2019 | / | SCI | 2区+2.794 |
81 | 选区激光熔化制造Inconel625高温合金工艺、组织和力学性能的研究 | 陈秀娟,赵国瑞,董东东,马文有,胡永俊,刘敏 | ISSN: 0258-7025 | 2019.8.5 | 中国激光 2019/12 | 是 | EI | / |
82 | 靶面激光光斑尺寸原位测量的研究 | 王岳亮 邓朝阳 苏一凡 李福海 陈兴驰 赵国瑞 董东东 马文有 刘敏 | ISSN 1001-5078 | 2019.9.20 | 激光与红外 2019年9月 | 是 | / | / |
83 | 选区激光熔化技术在模具制造中的应用 | 董东东 | 2019,36(22):43-45 | 2019.8.10 | 江苏科技信息 2019年8月 | / | / | / |
84 | 不同脉冲宽度355 nm波长激光诱导DKDP晶体损伤特性研究 | 徐子媛、王岳亮、赵元安、邵建达 | 2019, 31(09): 091004 | 2019.9.23 | 强激光与粒子束 2019年9月 | 是 | / | / |
85 | 动力锂离子电池极片轧辊失效原因分析 | 况敏、张忠诚、陈焕涛、张玉桧、刘自敬、叶兵、鲍雪球等 | 0254-6051 | 2019.9.25 | 金属热处理2019,44(S1):119-122. | 是 | / | / |
86 | 掺钨类金刚石薄膜制备工艺参数的正交分析研究 | 张程、李福球、谢思中、朱晖朝、张忠诚等 | 1673-9981 | 2019.3 | 材料研究与应用 2019.03 | / | / | / |
87 | 硅基非氧化物陶瓷复合材料的环境障涂层系统的研究进展 | 谭僖,陈孝业,张小锋,刘伟,曹腊梅 | 1673-9981 | 2019.6.15 | 材料研究与应用2019,13(02):152-159 | / | / | / |
88 | Influence of cold gas spray processing conditions on the properties of 316L stainless steel coatings | Jian Huang, Wenhua Ma,Yingchun Xie et.cl. | 0267-0844 | 2019.3.8 | Surface Engineering 卷: 35 期: 9 页: 784-791 出版年: SEP 2 2019 | / | SCI | 3区+2.229 |
89 | Effects of substrate heat accumulation on the cold sprayed Ni coating quality: Microstructure evolution and tribological performance | Chaoyue Chen,Yingchun Xie et.cl. | 0257-8972 | 2019.8.15 | Surface & Coatings Technology 卷: 371 特刊: SI 页: 185-193 出版年: AUG 15 2019 | / | SCI | 2区+3.192 |
90 | Comparative investigation of microstructure and properties of Ni-coated FeSiAl soft magnetic composite coatings produced by cold spraying and HVOF | Xinliang Xie, Chaoyue Chena, Yingchun Xie et.cl. | ISSN 0257-8972 | 2019.8.15 | Surface & Coatings Technology 卷: 371 特刊: SI 页: 224-234 出版年: AUG 15 2019 | / | SCI | 2区+3.192 |
91 | Cold sprayed WC reinforced maraging steel 300 composites: Microstructure characterization and mechanical properties | Chaoyue Chen,Yingchun Xie, Xincheng Yan et.cl. | 0925-8388 | 2019.5.15 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds卷: 785 页: 499-511 出版年: MAY 15 2019 | / | SCI | 2区+4.175 |
92 | Effect of hot isostatic pressing (HIP) on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V alloy fabricated by cold spray additive manufacturing | Chaoyue Chen, Yingchun Xie et.cl. | 2214-8604 | 2019.5 | Additive Manufacturing 卷: 27 页: 595-605 出版年: MAY 2019 | / | SCI | 1区+7.173 |
93 | Microstructural and mechanical properties of high-performance Inconel 718 alloy by cold spraying | Wenhua Ma, Yingchun Xie, Chaoyue Chen et, al. | 0925-8388 | 2019.7.5 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds 卷: 792 页: 456-467 出版年: JUL 5 2019 | / | SCI | 2区+4.175 |
94 | 3D time-dependent numerical simulation for atmospheric plasma spraying | Kui Wen, Xuezhang Liu, Kesong Zhou, et al. | 0257-8972 | 2019.8.15 | Surface & Coatings Technology 卷: 371 特刊: SI 页: 344-354 出版年: AUG 15 2019 | / | SCI | 2区+3.19 |
95 | Numerical simulation and experimental study of Ar-H2 DC atmospheric plasma spraying | Kui Wen, Xuezhang Liu, Min Liu, et al. | 0257-8972 | 2019.8.15 | Surface & Coatings Technology 卷: 371 特刊: SI 页: 312-321 出版年: AUG 15 2019 | / | SCI | 2区+3.19 |
96 | 45钢印刷网纹辊断裂原因分析 | 刘加宋,朱晖朝,叶云,文魁,陈焕涛 | 1673-9981 | 2019.12.15 | 材料研究与应用 | / | / | / |
97 | 反应物浓度诱导CVD SiC结构的转变 | 黄 东,王 昊*,何雨恬,王秀连,刘桦,邓畅光,林松盛,张明瑜 | 1673-9981 | 2019.6.15 | 材料研究与应用 2019,13(02):90-95 | / | / | / |
98 | 狭缝式化学气相沉积制备SiC涂层及其抗氧化性能研究 | 廖超前,王 昊*,齐绍忠,任 兵, 刘桦,何雨恬,黄 东,张明瑜 | 1673-9981 | 2019.9.15 | 材料研究与应用 2019,13(03):202 | / | / | / |
99 | 不同碳基体CVD SiC涂层的制备及其微观结构研究 | 王 昊,黄 东,何雨恬,王秀连,刘桦,林松盛,刘玲,张明瑜 | 1673-9981 | 2019.3.15 | 材料研究与应用 2019,13(01):15-21 | / | / | / |
100 | 电缆成型模具激光再制造工艺分析和应用 | 林凯生、李福海、陈兴驰、王岳亮、马文有 | 1672-1667 | 2019.3.31 | 中国金属通报 2019年3月 | 是 | ||
101 | 褪镀液浓度及PH值对电化学法褪除碳化钨-镍涂层工艺的影响 | 康忠明, 朱霞高, 陈志坤, 李福球 | 1673-9981 | 2019.6.15 | 材料研究与应用2019(2):137-141. | / | / | / |
102 | 大气等离子喷涂环境障涂层镀铝表面改性 | 张小锋,周克崧,刘敏,李洪,阳海棠, 牛少鹏,邓春明, 邓畅光 | 1674-3962 | 2019.1.28 | 中国材料进展,2018,37(2):777-783 | 是 | / | / |
103 | Effect of bias voltage on the oxidation resistance of NiCoCrAlYTa coatings prepared by arc ion plating | Shiming Xie, Mingjiang Dai, Songsheng Lin, Qian Shi, Chen Song, Huijun Hou | 0010-938X | 2019.2 | Corrosion Science,Available online 3 December 2018 | / | SCI | 1区+4.862 |
104 | Catalytic effect of in situ formed nano-Mg2Ni and Mg2Cu on the hydrogen storage properties of Mg-Y hydride composites | Cheng Xu, Huaijun Lin, Yunlei Wang, Peng Zhang, Yuying Meng, Yao Zhang, Yana Liu, Jiguang Zhang, Liquan Li, Qian Shi, Wei Li, Yunfeng Zhu | 0925-8388 | 2019.4.25 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2018,Volume 782, 25 April 2019, Pages 242-250 | / | SCI | 2区+3.779 |
105 | Electrical and magnetic properties of (Al, Co) co-doped ZnO films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering | Hui Sun, S C Chen, Chunghsien Wang, Yuwei Lin, Chaokuang Wen, T H Chuang, Xin Wang, Songsheng Lin, Mingjiang Dai | 0257-8972 | 2019.2.15 | Surface & Coatings technology,Available online 19 December 2018 | / | SCI | 3区+2.906 |
106 | Mechanical and in vitro study of an isotropic Ti6Al4V lattice structure fabricated using selective laser melting | Xingchen Yan, Qing Li, Shuo Yin, Ziyu Chen, Richard Jenkins, Chaoyue Chen, Jiang Wang, Wenyou Ma, Rodolphe Bolot, Rocco Lupoi, Zhongming Ren, Hanlin Liao, Min Liu | 0257-8972 | 2019.4.25 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds ,Volume 782, 25 April 2019, Pages 209-223 | / | SCI | 2区+3.779 |
107 | Selective laser melting of tungsten-copper functionally graded material | Chaolin Tan, Kesong Zhou, Tongchun Kuang | 0167-577X | 2019.2.15 | Materials Letters,237 328-331,Available online 13 November 2018 | / | SCI | 3区+2.687 |
108 | Fabrication of Cr2AlC coating from a cost-efficient Cr–Al–C target by arc ion plating. | Yueming Li, Guorui Zhao, Beining Du, Meishuan Li, Jingjun Xu, Yuhai Qian, Liyuan Sheng,Yufeng Zheng | 2050-6252 | 2019.1.09 | Surface Innovations,https://doi.org/10.1680/jsuin.18.00037 | / | SCI | 4区+1.268 |
109 | Thermodynamic conditions for cluster formation in supersaturated boundary layer during plasma spray-physical vapor deposition | Meijun Liu, Kejie Zhang, Qiang Zhang, Meng Zhang, Guanjun Yang, Chengxin Li, Changjiu Li | 0169-4332 | 2019.3.31 | Applied Surface Science,Volume 471, 31 March 2019, Pages 950-959 | / | SCI | 1区+4.439 |
110 | Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of maraging steel 300 fabricated by cold spraying | ChaoyueChen,XingchenYan,YingchunXie,RenzhongHuang,MinKuang,WenyouMa,RuixinZhao,JiangWang,MinLiu,ZhongmingRen,HanlinLiao, | 0921-5093 | 2019.1.16 | Materials Science & Engineering A,Volume 743, 16 January 2019, Pages 482-493 | / | SCI | 2区+3.414 |
111 | Influence of annealing treatment on microstructure and magnetic properties of cold sprayed Ni-coated FeSiAl soft magnetic composite coating | 谢信亮,陈超越,Yu Ma,谢迎春,Gang Ji,Eric Aubry,廖汉林 | 0257-8972 | 2019.9.25 | Surface & Coatings Technology 2019.5/374 | / | SCI | 1区+3.192 |
112 | Strengthened Peening Effect on Metallurgical Bonding Formation in Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing | 谢迎春,陈超越,Marie-Pierre Planche,Sihao Deng,黄仁忠,任忠鸣,廖汉林 | 1059-9630 | 2019.3.22 | Journal of Thermal Spray Technology(2019.3) | / | SCI | 3区+2.129 |