


序号 论文论著名称 全部作者 刊号/出版CIP数据 发表时间 正式发表刊物(会议)名称 卷、年、月 是否中文核心 EI/SCI/ISTP收录 SCI(分区+影响因子)
1 First-principle Study on Sr -doped LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 Xinghua Liang, Yunting Wang, Di Han, Jie Mao, Lingxiao Lan 1452-3981 2019.6.10 International Journal of Electrochemical Science 卷: 14 期: 7 页: 6315-6324 2019、5 / SCI 4区+1.284
2 Study on the Properties of LiMn2O4/Li1.5Al0.5Ge1.5(PO4)3 Composite Cathode Materials Xinghua Liang, Qiuman Wu, Lingxiao Lan, Xi Wu, Jie Mao 1452-3981 2019.10.7 International Journal of ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE 卷: 14 期: 11 页: 10153-10161 2019、10 / SCI 4区+1.284
3 Deposition of binder-free oxygen-vacancies NiCo2O4 based films with hollow microspheres via solution precursor thermal spray for supercapacitors Yangzhou Ma,Zexin Yu,Meimei Liu,Chen Song,Xuanning Huang,Michel Moliere,Guangsheng Song,Hanlin Liao 0272-8842 2019.6.1 Ceramics International, 卷: 45 期: 8 页: 10722-10732 出版年: JUN 2019 / SCI 1区+3.45
4 Preparation and characterization of aluminum-based coatings deposited by very low-pressure plasma spray Xiujuan Fan, Geoffrey Darut, Marie Pierre Planche, Chen Song, Hanlin Liao,Ghislain Montavon 0257-8972 2019.12.25 Surface and Coatings Technology, 2019, 380: 125034. / SCI 2区+3.19
5 Thermo-physical and thermal insulation properties of multi-scale nanostructured thermal barrier coatings using as-prepared t′-8YSZ feedstocks Feifei Zhou, You Wang, Min Liu, Chunming Deng, Xiaofeng Zhang 0272-8842 2019.12.15 Ceramics International,卷: 45 期:18页: 24096-24103 子辑:A 出版年: DEC 15 2019 / SCI 1区+3.45
6 E?ect of heat treatment and synergistic rare-earth modifed NiCrAlY on bonding strength of nanostructured 8YSZ coatings Feifei Zhou, Zhenguo Zhang, Saiyue Liu, Lan Wang, Jin Jia, You Wang, Xong Gong, Junfeng Gou, Chunming Deng, Min Liu 0169-4332 2019.3 Applied surface Science,Volume 480, 30 June 2019, Pages 636-645 / SCI 1区+5.155
7 Bonding strength and thermal conductivity of novel nanostructured La2(Zr0.75Ce0.25)2O7/8YSZ coatings Feifei Zhou, You Wang, Min Liu, Chunming Deng,Yuting Li,Yaming Wang, Xiaofeng Zhang 0169-4332 2019.7.1 Applied surface Science,卷: 481 页: 460-465 出版年: JUL 1 2019 / SCI 1区+5.155
8 Depth-sensing indentation creep behavior of nanostructured thermal barrier coatings from as-synthesized t′-8YSZ feedstocks Feifei Zhou, Min Liu, Yaming Wang, You Wang, Chunming Deng 2079-4991 2019.12.23 Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland)卷:10期: 1 出版年: 2019 Dec 23 / SCI 2区+4.034
9 Fabrication of Dense Gadolinia-Doped Ceria Coatings via Very-Low-Pressure Plasma Spray and Plasma Spray–Physical Vapor Deposition Process 温靖,宋琛,刘太楷,邓子谦,牛少鹏,张亚鹏,刘立斌,刘敏 2079-6412 2019.11.1 Coatings, 9卷,2019年11月 / SCI 3区+2.33
10 Nano-composite Structured Environmental Barrier Coatings Prepared by Plasma Spray-Physical Vapor Deposition and Their Thermal Cycle Performance Wang Chao, Zhang Xiaofeng, Zhou Kesong,Liu Min,Deng Changguang,Deng Chunming,Niu Shaopeng,Xu Shiming,Chen Zhikun,Zeng Wei 1002-185X 2019.11 Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2019, 48(11): 3455-3462. / SCI 4区+0.38
11 镀铝改性对PS-PVD 7YSZ热障涂层抗CMAS腐蚀影响机制 范佳锋、张小锋、周克崧、刘敏、邓畅光、邓春明、牛少鹏、邓子谦 1000-324X 2019.9.16 无机材料学报 第34卷 第9期 2019年9月 / SCI 4区+0.635
12 Structural evolution of Al-modified PS-PVD 7YSZ TBCs in thermal cycling Xiaofeng Zhang, Min Liu, Hong Li, Chunming Deng, Changguang Deng, Ziqian Deng, Shaopeng Niu, Kesong Zhou 0272-8842 2019.4.15 Ceramics International,2019, 45:7560–7567, / SCI 1区+3.450
13 Preparation of Al2O3 nanowires on 7YSZ thermal barrier coatings against CMAS corrosion Xiaofeng Zhang, Shaopeng NIU, Zi-qian DENG, Min LIU, Hong LI, Chun-ming DENG, Chang-guang DENG, Ke-song ZHOU 1003-6326 2019.11 Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 29(2019) 2362?2370 / SCI 2区+2.338
14 Performance study of a Li4Ti5 O12 electrode for lithium batteries prepared by atmospheric plasma spraying Xinghua Liang, Yunting Wang, Xiaofeng Zhang , Di Hana, Lingxiao Lan, Yanhui Zhang 0272-8842 2019.12.1 Ceramics International,2019, 45(17):23750-23755 / SCI 1区+3.450
15 A direct carbon solid oxide fuel cell stack on a single electrolyte plate fabricated by tape casting technique WeiWang, Zhijun Liu, Yapeng Zhang, Peipei Liu, Qianyuan Qiu, Mingyang Zhou,Meilin Liu, Jiang Liu 0925-8388 2019.7.25 Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 794 (2019) 294-302 / SCI 2区+4.175
16 Third-body and crack behavior in white etching layer induced by sliding–rolling friction Yan Zhou, Ji-liang Mo, Zhen-bing Caib, Chang-guang Deng, Jin-fang Peng,Min-hao Zhu 0301-679X 2019.12 Tribology International, 140 (2019) 105882 / SCI 1区+3.517
17 A model of splats deposition state and wear resistance of WC-10Co4Cr coating Tao Han, Deng Chunming, Xiaofeng Zhang, Qiao Liu 0272-8842 2018.3 Ceramics International 44 (2018) 4230-4236 / SCI 1区+3.45
18 TiB2-SiC粉末喷雾造粒及其等离子喷涂沉积机理研究 邹柯 邓春明 刘敏 邹俭鹏 朱仁波 高迪 1002-185X 2019.1.15 稀有金属材料与工程,2019,48(1):213-220 / SCI 4区+0.381
19 Improvement in the mechanical properties of plasma spray ceramic-Cu/TI3AlC2 gradient coatings by heat treatment Qiaolei Li, Peng Song,*, Wenlang Huang, Chunming Deng, Chunjian Wangc, Lu Lic, Biju Zheng, Jiansheng Lu 0272-8842 2019.12.1 Ceramics International 45 (2019) 22452–22463 / SCI 1区+3.450
20 Effect of partial crystallization of an amorphous layer on the mechanical properties of ceramic/metal-glass coating by thermal spraying Qiaolei Lia, Peng Song, Quan Dong, Chen Hua, Chunming Deng, Lu Li, Biju Zheng,Jiansheng Lu 0272-8842 2019.10.15 Ceramics International, 45 (2019) 18803–18813 / SCI 1区+3.450
21 Electrochemical corrosive Behaviors of Fe-Based Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Coating on Stainless Steel Prepared by HVOF Spraye Jifu Zhang, Chunming Deng, Jinbing Song, Changguang Deng, Min Liu, Mingjiang Dai 2079-6412 2019.3.29 Coatings, 2019, 9(226): 1-16. / SCI 3区+2.33
22 表面粗糙度对PS-PVD热障涂层陶瓷层沉积的影响 曾威, 毛杰, 马景涛, 邓畅光, 邓子谦, 邓春明, 宋鹏. 1001-4381 2019.8.20 材料工程 47、2019(8) EI /
23 等离子喷涂用纳米结构T'相8YSZ球形喂料及应用展望 周飞飞,刘敏,邓春明,王亮,黄长翔,王铀 1001-3660 2019.1.20 表面技术,2019,48(01):37-42. EI /
24 PS-PVD 等离子射流特性的光谱诊断研究进展 张岩,邓畅光,毛杰,邓子谦,罗志伟 1007-9289, 2019.12.11 中国表面工程第32卷、2019年12月 EI /
25 等离子喷涂-物理气相沉积7YSZ热障涂层形成机制 张小锋,周克崧,刘敏, 邓子谦 魏亮亮, 毛杰, 邓春明, 邓畅光 1674-7321 2019.6.5 中国科学:技术科学, 2019, 49:1-12 EI /
26 大气等离子喷涂MoSi2-30Al2O3电热涂层组织结构及性能 周炎哲,刘敏,杨焜,曾威,宋进兵,邓春明,邓畅光 1000-324x 2019.6.10 无机材料学报;2019(6):646-652. SCI 4区+0.635
27 APS 制备 7YSZ 热障涂层镀铝改性的抗氧化性 许世鸣,张小锋,刘敏,邓春明,邓畅光,牛少鹏 1005-023X 2019.1.25 材料导报:2019,33( 1) : 283-287 EI /
28 超音速等离子喷涂制备非对称型La_(0.6)Sr_(0.4)Co_(0.2)Fe_(0.8)O_(3-δ)透氧膜的性能 牛少鹏,周克崧,邓畅光,徐丽萍,毛杰,杨焜,曾威,陈志坤,陈龙飞 1009-6264 2019.9.17 材料热处理学报;2019,40(09):135-141;2019.05 / /
29 紫铜表面掺钨类金刚石膜的制备、耐蚀性及细胞相容性研究 徐丽萍,林松盛 1004-227x 2019.7.15 电镀与涂饰:2019,38(13):663-667 / /
30 大气等离子喷涂镁铝尖晶石涂层的结构及绝缘性能 杨焜,陈龙飞 ,周炎哲,赵瑞敏,李顺华,宋进兵,邓春明,邓畅光,刘敏 1004-227x 2019.8.30 电镀与涂饰:2019,38(13):663-667 / /
31 PS-PVD等离子射流中7YSZ粉末的蒸发行为及射流特性的光谱诊断 张岩,邓畅光,毛杰,邓子谦,罗志伟 1673-9981 2019.12.15 材料研究与应用,2019.12 / / /
32 Formation mechanism of island CoO in La-Sr-Co-Fe oxygen transport membrane deposited by low pressure plasma spraying-thin film technology Niu, Shaopeng; Zhou, Kesong; Deng, Chunming; Xu, Liping; Liu, Min; Zeng, Wei; Chen, Zhikun 1742-6588 2019.12 Journal of Physics: Conference Series;(2019) 012115 EI /
33 电解水制氢发展概况之一:碱式电解水 刘太楷; 邓春明; 张亚鹏 1673-9981 2019.12.15 材料研究与应用,2019.12 / / /
34 不同粘结层材料的PS-PVD热障涂层热震性能 毛杰,刘飞,邓子谦,邓春明,刘敏,曾德长,梁兴华 1673-9981 2019.3.15 材料研究与应用 13、2019、1 / / /
35 等离子喷涂-物理气相沉积稀土高温功能涂层研究进展 邓春明,肖 娟,曹家旭,张小锋,牛少鹏,毛 杰,邓子谦,宋 琛 1673-9981 2019.9.15 材料研究与应用,2019,13(3):247-251,256 / / /
36 Analysis of the microstructural evolution and interface diffusion behavior of NiCoCrAlYTa coating in high temperature oxidation Hongzhi Yang, Jianpeng Zou, Qian Shi, Mingjiang Dai, Songsheng Lin, Wei Du, Liang Lv 0010-938X 2019.6 Corrosion Science, 2019, 153:162-169.2019年6月 / SCI 1区+:6.355
37 The influence of Cr content on the phase structure of the Al-rich Al-Cr-O films deposited by magnetron sputtering at low temperature Yitian Cheng, Wenfeng Qiu, K S Zhou, Dongling Jiao, Z W Liu, X C Zhong, Hongwei Zhang 0272-8842 2019.5 Ceramics International, 2019, 45:8175-8180. 2019年5月 / SCI 1区+:3.45
38 The adhesion strength and mechanical properties of SiC films deposited on SiAlON buffer layer by magnetron sputtering Shumei Song, Hui Sun, Sheng-Chi Chen, Mingjiang Dai, Kunlun Wang, Xiaoyan Zheng,Yingbo Lu, Tianlin Yang, Zhen-Ming Yue. 0257-8972 2019.2.25 Surface & Coatings Technology, Volume 360, 25 February 2019 / SCI 2区+:3.192
39 Electrochemical and optoelectric behavior of Al-doped ZnO films as transparent anode for Li-ion batteries Qian Shi, Songsheng Lin, Chunbei Wei, Hong Li, Chaoqian Guo, Yifan Su, Hu Fang, Mingjiang Dai 2352-4928 2019.6 Materials Today Communications,Volume 19, June 2019, Pages 471-475 / SCI 3区+:1.859
40 Effects of bilayer number and thickness ratio on structure and properties of (Cr,N)-DLC/DLC multilayer films Chaoqian Guo, Zhiliang Pei, Jun Gong, Chao Sun, Songsheng Lin, Qian Shi. 0925-9635 2019.2 Diamond & Related Materials, 卷: 92 页: 187-197 出版年: FEB 2019 / SCI 3区+:2.29
41 Influence of Sputtering Power on the Electrical Properties of In-Sn-Zn Oxide Thin Films Deposited by High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering Zhi-Yue Li, Sheng-Chi Chen, Qiu-Hong Huo, Ming-Han Liao, Ming-Jiang Dai, Song-Sheng Lin, Tian-Lin Yang, Hui Sun. 2079-6412 2019.10.31 Coatings, 2019,9,715,2019年10月 / SCI 3区+:2.33
42 Enhanced photocatalytic activity by photo-Fenton reaction: Towards TiO2 nanotubes sensitized by Fe(III)-tartrate Lei Zhang, Peng-Jiang He, Wan-Xia Wang, Ming-Jiang Dai, Wei Qiao, Li-Xin Cao, Bo-Hua Dong, Qian Zhu, Hui Sun. 0022-3727 2019.2.18 Journal of Physics D,卷: 52 期: 17 文献号: 175302 出版年: APR 24 2019 / SCI 3区+:2.829
43 Tribochemical Behavior of Pure Magnesium During Sliding Friction Yan Zhou, Jinfang Peng, Mengjie Wang, Jiliang Mo, Cuangguang Deng, Minhao Zhu. 2075-4701 2019.3.9 Metals, 2019, 9(3):2-13.2019年3月 / SCI 3区+:2.259
44 Influence of power frequency on the performance of SiC thin films deposited by pulsed DC magnetron sputtering Hui Sun, Song-Sheng Lin, Kun-Lun Wang, Qian Shi, Shu-Mei Song, Yan-Qing Xin, Tian-Lin Yang, Xiao-Yan Zheng, Wan-Xia Wang, Zhen-Ming Yue. 0169-4243 2019.7.19 Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2019, 33(20): 2181-2190,2019年7月 / SCI 4区+1.21
45 Low-temperature deposition of α-Al2O3 film using Al+α-Al2O3 composite target by radio frequency magnetron sputtering Yitian. Cheng, Wanqi Qiu, Kesong Zhou, Yu Yang, Dongling Jiao, Zhongwu Liu, Xichun Zhong. 2053-1591 2019.5.8 Materials Research Express, 2019,6(8):086412,2019年8月 / SCI 4区+:1.449
46 低温反应溅射Al+α-Al2O3 复合靶沉积α-Al2O3 薄膜 程奕天,邱万奇, 周克崧, 刘仲武, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 张辉。 1000-324x 2019.6.10 无机材料学报,2019,34(8),2019年8月 / SCI 4区+:0.635
47 电弧离子镀电磁线圈电压对TiAlN涂层结构及性能的影响 李洪,杨鸿泰,林松盛,石倩,韦春贝,郭朝乾,苏一凡,唐鹏 1001-3660 2019.9.20 表面技术,2019,48(9),2019年9月 EI /
48 铁氧体表面Cr/Ni/Ag复合薄膜制备及性能研究 李洪,崔骏,林松盛,石倩,蔡畅,韦春贝,黄裕坤 1001-3660 2019.12.20 表面技术,2019,48(12),2019年12月 EI /
49 热震对TiAlSiN 涂层结构与性能的影响 宋智辉,代明江,李洪,林松盛,石倩,韦春贝,郭朝乾,苏一凡 1001-3660 2019.11.20 表面技术,2019,48(11),2019年11月 EI /
50 沉积温度对NiCrAlY/Ag复合薄膜结构及性能的影响 吴易谦,韦春贝,代明江,匡同春,刘敏,林松盛,石倩 1001-3660 2019.12.20 表面技术,2019,48(12),2019年12月 EI /
51 TiAlN涂层高温行为的研究进展 宋智辉,代明江,李洪,林松盛,石倩,韦春贝,郭朝乾,苏一凡 1004-227x 2019.5.15 电镀与涂饰,2019,38(9),2019年5月 / /
52 表面处理技术对钛合金疲劳性能影响的研究进展 王迪,林松盛,刘灵云,杨洪志,蒋百灵,薛玉娜,周克崧。 1002-0322 2019.11.25 真空,2019,56(6):36-42.2019年11月 / /
53 高功率脉冲复合直流磁控溅射制备类金刚石薄膜的结构与性能 高迪,林松盛,许伟,邹俭鹏,杨洪志。 1006-6543 2019.2.10 粉末冶金工业,2019,29(1):18-23.2019年1月 / /
54 调制周期对Cr/CrN多层膜结构及性能的影响 黄儒明,代明江,林松盛,刘洪喜。 1001-3814 2019.5.25 热加工工艺,2019,48(10):136-139.2019年10月 / /
55 调制比对MoS2-Ti/Cu-Ni-In多层膜微动磨损性能影响 李琪,代明江,韦春贝,刘凤美,熊敏 1005-8192 2019.6.14 金属功能材料,2019,26(3):21-26。2019年3月 / /
56 综述金属掺杂对类金刚石薄膜结构和性能的影响 彭雅利,郭朝乾,林松盛,石倩,韦春贝,李洪,苏一凡,代明江 1004-227X 2019.8.15 电镀与涂饰,2019,38(15),2019年8月 / /
57 基体负偏压及占空比对电弧离子镀CrN 薄膜表面大颗粒和厚度的影响 郭朝乾,林松盛,石倩,韦春贝,李洪,苏一凡,唐鹏,汪唯,代明江 1004-227X 2019.7.15 电镀与涂饰,38卷13期,19年7月 / /
58 磁过滤电弧离子镀制备DLC薄膜的表面形貌和成键状态 郭朝乾,林松盛,石倩,韦春贝,李洪,汪唯,代明江。 1673-9981 2019.6.15 材料研究与应用,2019,13(2),2019年4月 / / /
59 基体偏压对高功率脉冲磁控溅射AlCrN涂层结构及其性能的影响 唐鹏,王启民,林松盛,代明江。 1673-9981 2019.12.15 材料研究与应用,2019,13(4),2019年12月 / / /
60 CrN膜层结构对其性能的影响 林松盛,黄儒明,苏一凡,石倩,韦春贝,代明江。 1673-9981 2019.9.15 材料研究与应用,2019,13(3),2019年9月 / / /
61 绕线片式电感表面金属化研究进展 李洪,林松盛,石倩,韦春贝,崔骏,蔡畅,黄裕坤 1673-9981 2019.3.15 材料研究与应用,2019,13(1),2019年1月 / / /
62 小型绕线功率电感磁芯材料及其表面金属化工艺研究现状 崔骏,蔡畅,黄裕坤,李洪,林松盛 1673-9981 2019.6.15 材料研究与应用,2019,13(2),2019年4月 / / /
63 Effect of hot isostatic pressing (HIP) treatment on the compressive properties of Ti6Al4V lattice structure fabricated by selective laser melting Xingchen Yan, Rocco Lupoi, Hongjian Wu, Wenyou Ma, Min Liu, Garrett O'Donne, Shuo Yin 0167-577X 2019.11.15 Materials Letters 卷: 255 文献号: UNSP 126537 出版年: NOV 15 2019 / SCI 3区+3.019
64 Hybrid additive manufacture of 316L stainless steel with cold spray and selective laser melting: Microstructure and mechanical properties Shuo Yin, Xingchen Yan, Richard Jenkins, Chaoyue Chen, Marios Kazasidis, Min Liu, Min Kuang,Rocco Lupoi 0924-0136 2019.11 Journal of Materials Processing Technology 卷: 273 文献号: 116248 出版年: NOV 2019 / SCI 2区+4.178
65 Selective laser melting of WC reinforced maraging steel 300: Microstructure characterization and tribological performance Xingchen Yan,Chaoyue Chen, Ruixin Zhao, Wenyou Ma, Rodolphe Bolot, Jiang Wang, Zhongming Ren, Hanlin Liao, Min Liu 0257-8972 2019.8.15 Surface and Coatings Technology 卷: 371 特刊: SI 页: 355-365 出版年: AUG 15 2019 / SCI 2区+3.192
66 Additive manufacturing of WC reinforced maraging steel 300 composites by cold spraying and selective laser melting Xingchen Yan, Chunjie Huang, Chaoyue Chen, Rodolphe Bolot, Lucas Dembinski, Renzhong Huang, Wenyou Ma, Hanlin Liao, Min Liu 0257-8972 2019.8.15 Surface and Coatings Technology 卷: 371 特刊: SI 页: 161-171 出版年: AUG 15 2019 / SCI 2区+3.192
67 Fatigue strength improvement of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V using ultrasonic surface mechanical attrition Xingchen Yan, Shuo Yin, Chaoyue Chen, Richard Jenkins, Rocco Lupoi, Rodolphe Bolot, Wenyou Ma, Min Kuang, Hanlin Liao, Jian Lu & Min Liu 2166-3831 2019.4.23 Materials Research Letters 卷: 7 期: 8 页: 327-333 出版年: 2019 / SCI 1区+7.44
68 Annealing strategies for enhancing mechanical properties of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel deposited by cold spray Shuo Yin, Jan Cizek, Xingchen Yan, Rocco Lupoi 0257-8972 2019.7.25 Surface and Coatings Technology 卷: 370 页: 353-361 出版年: JUL 25 2019 / SCI 2区+3.192
69 Improvement of tribological performance by micro-arc oxidation treatment on selective laser melting Ti6Al4V alloy Xingchen Yan, Chaoyue Chen, Rodolphe Bolot, Wenyou Ma, Chunming Deng, Jiang Wang, Zhongming Ren, Hanlin Liao, Min Liu 2053-1591 2019.9 Materials Research Express 卷: 6 期: 9 文献号: 096509 出版年: SEP 2019 / SCI 4区+1.449
70 Deposition of FeCoNiCrMn high entropy alloy (HEA) coating via cold spraying Shuo Yin, Wenya Li, Bo Song, Xingchen Yan, Min Kuang, Yaxin Xu, Kui Wen, Rocco Lupoia 1005-0302 2019.6 Journal of Materials Science & Technology 卷: 35 期: 6 页: 1003-1007 出版年: JUN 2019 / SCI 1区+5.04
71 Effect of polarization voltage on the surface componentization and biocompatibility of micro-arc oxidation modified selective laser melted Ti6Al4V Ziyu Chen, Xingchen Yan, Yu Chang, Shiming Xie, Wenyou Ma, Guorui Zhao, Hanlin Liao, Hang Fang, Min Liu, Daozhang Cai 2053-1591 2019.8 Materials Research Express 卷: 6 期: 8 文献号: 086425 出版年: AUG 2019 / SCI 4区+1.449
72 Cold sprayed WC reinforced maraging steel 300 composites: Microstructure characterization and mechanical properties Chaoyue Chen, Yingchun Xie, Xincheng Yan, Renzhong Huang, Min Kuang,Wenyou Ma, Ruixin Zhao, Jiang Wang,Min Liu, Zhongming Ren, Hanlin Liao 0925-8388 2019.5.15 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 卷: 785 页: 499-511 出版年: MAY 15 2019 / SCI 2区+4.175
73 Ductilization of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V alloy by friction stir processing Chunjie Huang, Xingchen Yan, Lv Zhao, Min Liu, Wenyou Ma, Weibing Wang, Jeroen Soete, Aude Simar 0921-5093  2019.5.7 Materials Science and Engineering: A 卷: 755 页: 85-96 出版年: MAY 7 2019 / SCI 2区+4.081
74 Mechanical and in vitro study of an isotropic Ti6Al4V lattice structure fabricated using selective laser melting Xingchen Yan, Qing Li, Shuo Yin, Ziyu Chen, Richard Jenkins, Chaoyue Chen, Jiang Wang, Wenyou Ma, Rodolphe Bolot, RoccoLupoi, Zhongming Ren, Hanlin Liao,Min Liu 0925-8388 2019.4.25 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 卷: 782 页: 209-223 出版年: APR 25 2019 / SCI 2区+4.175
75 Effect of Ti+N and Zr+N ions implantation on mechanical and corrosion performance of carburized layer Dong Meiling, Cui Xiufang, Lu Bingwen, Jin Guo, Cai Zhaobing, Feng Xiangru, Liu Zhe, Wang Haidou 0040-6090 2019.12.31 Thin Solid Films Volume 692, 31 December 2019 / SCI 3区+1.888
76 Effects of Selective Laser Modification and Al Deposition on the Hot Corrosion Resistance of Ceria and Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Thermal Barrier Coatings Panpan Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhang, Fuhai Li, Zhihui Zhang?, Hong Li, Yueliang Wang, Luquan Ren and Min Liu 2079-6412 2019.5.30 Coatings 卷: 9 期: 6 文献号: 353 出版年: JUN 2019 / SCI 3区+2.33
77 Hot Corrosion Behavior of YSZ Thermal Barrier Coatings Modified by Laser Remelting and Al Deposition Panpan Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhang, Fuhai Li, Zhihui Zhang, Yueliang Wang, Hong Li, Luquan Ren and Min Liu 1059-9630 2019.6.18 Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 卷: 28 期: 6 页: 1225-1238 出版年: AUG 2019 / SCI 3区+2.129
78 Thermal Shock Resistance of Thermal Barrier Coatings with Different Surface Shapes Modified by Laser Remelting Panpan Zhang, Fuhai Li, Xiaofeng Zhang, Zhihui Zhang, Feifei Zhou, Luquan Ren & Min Liu 1059-9630 2019.12.19 Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 卷: 28 期: 3 页: 417-432 出版年: FEB 2019 / SCI 3区+2.129
79 Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Ti-rich TiNi lattice structures: Process optimisation, geometrical integrity, and phase transformations Chaolin Tan Sheng Lia, Khamis Essad, Parastoo Jamshidia, Kesong Zhoub,,Wenyou Ma, Moataz M. Attallah 0890-6955 2019.6 International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 卷: 141 页: 19-29 出版年: JUN 2019 / SCI 1区+6.039
80 3D printing of tantalum parts based on low molecular mass organic gel system Qian Qin, Fang Yang Xinyue Zhang, Tao Shi, Yanru Shao, Haixia Sun, Cunguang Chen, Junjie Hao, Zhimeng Guo  0263-4368 2019.11 International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials卷: 84 文献号: 105014 出版年: NOV 2019 / SCI 2区+2.794
81 选区激光熔化制造Inconel625高温合金工艺、组织和力学性能的研究 陈秀娟,赵国瑞,董东东,马文有,胡永俊,刘敏 ISSN: 0258-7025 2019.8.5 中国激光 2019/12 EI /
82 靶面激光光斑尺寸原位测量的研究 王岳亮  邓朝阳  苏一凡  李福海  陈兴驰  赵国瑞  董东东  马文有  刘敏   ISSN 1001-5078 2019.9.20 激光与红外 2019年9月 / /
83 选区激光熔化技术在模具制造中的应用 董东东 2019,36(22):43-45 2019.8.10 江苏科技信息 2019年8月 / / /
84 不同脉冲宽度355 nm波长激光诱导DKDP晶体损伤特性研究 徐子媛、王岳亮、赵元安、邵建达   2019, 31(09): 091004 2019.9.23 强激光与粒子束 2019年9月 / /
85 动力锂离子电池极片轧辊失效原因分析 况敏、张忠诚、陈焕涛、张玉桧、刘自敬、叶兵、鲍雪球等 0254-6051 2019.9.25 金属热处理2019,44(S1):119-122. / /
86 掺钨类金刚石薄膜制备工艺参数的正交分析研究 张程、李福球、谢思中、朱晖朝、张忠诚等 1673-9981 2019.3 材料研究与应用 2019.03 / / /
87 硅基非氧化物陶瓷复合材料的环境障涂层系统的研究进展 谭僖,陈孝业,张小锋,刘伟,曹腊梅 1673-9981 2019.6.15 材料研究与应用2019,13(02):152-159 / / /
88 Influence of cold gas spray processing conditions on the properties of 316L stainless steel coatings Jian Huang, Wenhua Ma,Yingchun Xie et.cl. 0267-0844 2019.3.8 Surface Engineering 卷: 35 期: 9 页: 784-791 出版年: SEP 2 2019 / SCI 3区+2.229
89 Effects of substrate heat accumulation on the cold sprayed Ni coating quality: Microstructure evolution and tribological performance Chaoyue Chen,Yingchun Xie et.cl. 0257-8972 2019.8.15 Surface & Coatings Technology 卷: 371 特刊: SI 页: 185-193 出版年: AUG 15 2019 / SCI 2区+3.192
90 Comparative investigation of microstructure and properties of Ni-coated FeSiAl soft magnetic composite coatings produced by cold spraying and HVOF Xinliang Xie, Chaoyue Chena, Yingchun Xie et.cl. ISSN 0257-8972 2019.8.15 Surface & Coatings Technology 卷: 371 特刊: SI 页: 224-234 出版年: AUG 15 2019 / SCI 2区+3.192
91 Cold sprayed WC reinforced maraging steel 300 composites: Microstructure characterization and mechanical properties Chaoyue Chen,Yingchun Xie, Xincheng Yan et.cl. 0925-8388 2019.5.15 Journal of Alloys and Compounds卷: 785 页: 499-511 出版年: MAY 15 2019 / SCI 2区+4.175
92 Effect of hot isostatic pressing (HIP) on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V alloy fabricated by cold spray additive manufacturing Chaoyue Chen, Yingchun Xie et.cl. 2214-8604 2019.5 Additive Manufacturing 卷: 27 页: 595-605 出版年: MAY 2019 / SCI 1区+7.173
93 Microstructural and mechanical properties of high-performance Inconel 718 alloy by cold spraying Wenhua Ma, Yingchun Xie, Chaoyue Chen et, al. 0925-8388 2019.7.5 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 卷: 792 页: 456-467 出版年: JUL 5 2019 / SCI 2区+4.175
94 3D time-dependent numerical simulation for atmospheric plasma spraying Kui Wen, Xuezhang Liu, Kesong Zhou, et al. 0257-8972 2019.8.15 Surface & Coatings Technology 卷: 371 特刊: SI 页: 344-354 出版年: AUG 15 2019 / SCI 2区+3.19
95 Numerical simulation and experimental study of Ar-H2 DC atmospheric plasma spraying Kui Wen, Xuezhang Liu, Min Liu, et al. 0257-8972 2019.8.15 Surface & Coatings Technology 卷: 371 特刊: SI 页: 312-321 出版年: AUG 15 2019 / SCI 2区+3.19
96 45钢印刷网纹辊断裂原因分析 刘加宋,朱晖朝,叶云,文魁,陈焕涛 1673-9981 2019.12.15 材料研究与应用 / / /
97 反应物浓度诱导CVD SiC结构的转变 黄 东,王 昊*,何雨恬,王秀连,刘桦,邓畅光,林松盛,张明瑜 1673-9981 2019.6.15 材料研究与应用 2019,13(02):90-95 / / /
98 狭缝式化学气相沉积制备SiC涂层及其抗氧化性能研究 廖超前,王 昊*,齐绍忠,任 兵, 刘桦,何雨恬,黄 东,张明瑜 1673-9981 2019.9.15 材料研究与应用 2019,13(03):202 / / /
99 不同碳基体CVD SiC涂层的制备及其微观结构研究 王 昊,黄 东,何雨恬,王秀连,刘桦,林松盛,刘玲,张明瑜 1673-9981 2019.3.15 材料研究与应用 2019,13(01):15-21 / / /
100 电缆成型模具激光再制造工艺分析和应用 林凯生、李福海、陈兴驰、王岳亮、马文有 1672-1667 2019.3.31 中国金属通报 2019年3月

101 褪镀液浓度及PH值对电化学法褪除碳化钨-镍涂层工艺的影响 康忠明, 朱霞高, 陈志坤, 李福球 1673-9981 2019.6.15 材料研究与应用2019(2):137-141. / / /
102 大气等离子喷涂环境障涂层镀铝表面改性 张小锋,周克崧,刘敏,李洪,阳海棠, 牛少鹏,邓春明, 邓畅光 1674-3962 2019.1.28 中国材料进展,2018,37(2):777-783 / /
103 Effect of bias voltage on the oxidation resistance of NiCoCrAlYTa coatings prepared by arc ion plating Shiming Xie, Mingjiang Dai, Songsheng Lin, Qian Shi, Chen Song, Huijun Hou 0010-938X 2019.2 Corrosion Science,Available online 3 December 2018 / SCI 1区+4.862
104 Catalytic effect of in situ formed nano-Mg2Ni and Mg2Cu on the hydrogen storage properties of Mg-Y hydride composites Cheng Xu, Huaijun Lin, Yunlei Wang, Peng Zhang, Yuying Meng, Yao Zhang, Yana Liu, Jiguang Zhang, Liquan Li, Qian Shi, Wei Li, Yunfeng Zhu 0925-8388 2019.4.25 Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2018,Volume 782, 25 April 2019, Pages 242-250 / SCI 2区+3.779
105 Electrical and magnetic properties of (Al, Co) co-doped ZnO films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering Hui Sun, S C Chen, Chunghsien Wang, Yuwei Lin, Chaokuang Wen, T H Chuang, Xin Wang, Songsheng Lin, Mingjiang Dai 0257-8972 2019.2.15 Surface & Coatings technology,Available online 19 December 2018 / SCI 3区+2.906
106 Mechanical and in vitro study of an isotropic Ti6Al4V lattice structure fabricated using selective laser melting Xingchen Yan, Qing Li, Shuo Yin, Ziyu Chen, Richard Jenkins, Chaoyue Chen, Jiang Wang, Wenyou Ma, Rodolphe Bolot, Rocco Lupoi, Zhongming Ren, Hanlin Liao, Min Liu 0257-8972 2019.4.25 Journal of Alloys and Compounds ,Volume 782, 25 April 2019, Pages 209-223 / SCI 2区+3.779
107 Selective laser melting of tungsten-copper functionally graded material Chaolin Tan, Kesong Zhou, Tongchun Kuang 0167-577X 2019.2.15 Materials Letters,237 328-331,Available online 13 November 2018 / SCI 3区+2.687
108 Fabrication of Cr2AlC coating from a cost-efficient Cr–Al–C target by arc ion plating. Yueming Li, Guorui Zhao, Beining Du, Meishuan Li, Jingjun Xu, Yuhai Qian, Liyuan Sheng,Yufeng Zheng 2050-6252 2019.1.09 Surface Innovations,https://doi.org/10.1680/jsuin.18.00037 / SCI 4区+1.268
109 Thermodynamic conditions for cluster formation in supersaturated boundary layer during plasma spray-physical vapor deposition Meijun Liu, Kejie Zhang, Qiang Zhang, Meng Zhang, Guanjun Yang, Chengxin Li, Changjiu Li 0169-4332 2019.3.31 Applied Surface Science,Volume 471, 31 March 2019, Pages 950-959 / SCI 1区+4.439
110 Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of maraging steel 300 fabricated by cold spraying ChaoyueChen,XingchenYan,YingchunXie,RenzhongHuang,MinKuang,WenyouMa,RuixinZhao,JiangWang,MinLiu,ZhongmingRen,HanlinLiao, 0921-5093 2019.1.16 Materials Science & Engineering A,Volume 743, 16 January 2019, Pages 482-493 / SCI 2区+3.414
111 Influence of annealing treatment on microstructure and magnetic properties of cold sprayed Ni-coated FeSiAl soft magnetic composite coating 谢信亮,陈超越,Yu Ma,谢迎春,Gang Ji,Eric Aubry,廖汉林 0257-8972 2019.9.25 Surface & Coatings Technology 2019.5/374 / SCI 1区+3.192
112 Strengthened Peening Effect on Metallurgical Bonding Formation in Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing 谢迎春,陈超越,Marie-Pierre Planche,Sihao Deng,黄仁忠,任忠鸣,廖汉林 1059-9630 2019.3.22 Journal of Thermal Spray Technology(2019.3) / SCI 3区+2.129